In order to remember history, King plans to play losephus problem in the parade gap.He calls n(1≤n≤5000) soldiers, counterclockwise in a circle, in label 1,2,3…n.
The first round, the first person with label 1 counts off, and the man who report number 1 is out.
The second round, the next person of the person who is out in the last round counts off, and the man who report number 2 is out.
The third round, the next person of the person who is out in the last round counts off, and the person who report number 3 is out.
The N - 1 round, the next person of the person who is out in the last round counts off, and the person who report number n−1 is out.
And the last man is survivor. Do you know the label of the survivor?
H_On の 贴心翻译:
为了铭记历史,国王准备van♂个游戏。他叫来 n(1≤n≤5000) 个士兵,叫他们围成一个圈,分别标上 1-n 。
- 第 1 轮,标号为 1 的人开始计数,报到 1 的人出队,开始第 2 轮
- 第 2 轮,从上一轮出队的人的下一个人开始报数,报到 2 的人出队,开始第 3 轮
- 第 3 轮,从上一轮出队的人的下一个人开始报数,报到 3 的人出队,开始第 4 轮
- 第 n - 1 轮,从上一轮出队的人的下一个人开始报数,报到 n - 1 的人出队
The first line contains a number T(0<T≤5000), the number of the testcases.
For each test case, there are only one line, containing one integer n, representing the number of players.
H_On の 贴心翻译:第一行是一个测试样例数 T(0<T≤5000)。每一组样例有一个整数 n 表示士兵人数。
Output exactly T lines. For each test case, print the label of the survivor.
H_On の 贴心翻译:输出 T 行。对于每一组测试样例,输出一个幸存者的标签。
这种转圈选人问题,被称作 “约瑟夫环问题” ,约瑟夫环实际上是一种动态规划问题,因为暴力模拟的话很容易解决不了大数据问题,因此我们需要推出不同人数选人结果之间的关系。
约瑟夫环是一个递推和逆向思维的原理,直接看代码比较难以理解,可以参考猹的另一篇博客来理解这道题H_On简结 约瑟夫环问题
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int F(int n) {
int r = 0, m = n - 1;
for (int i = 2; i <= n; i += 1, m -= 1) r = (r + m) % i;
return r + 1;
int main() {
ios::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0);
int t; cin >> t;
while (t--) {
int a; cin >> a;
cout << F(a) << endl;
return 0;